Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inside the Project - Urban Promise #1

Inside the Project is a new segment on the blog where we ask a group under Totally Up! Project a question and members of the group answer it. Our second group with Inside the Project is Urban Promise, another subgroup under J-unior SWEET. 4 members were asked the question:

Q: On what occassions does your excitement level go up?

Below is the members' responses when confronted with this question starting with Urban Promise Leader Angelfirebabe.

If I get told something exciting v^_^v or when people complement about my singing.

My excitement level always goes high when I'm such a spaz. O(≧∇≦)O

Tension on the rise when I sing a energetic song!

~ Boo ~ No Image Avaliable
This may sound really random. But my excitement level will go up when I complete a Life time achievement on Sims 3. SO addicting.
