Aly-chan desu~~
Did you miss me?
HA! Do I even need to ask? Of COURSE you guys missed me.
I love SweetS, so when I first joined Crystal Clear I was thrilled. It's so sad it has to end! But, none the less, I'm happy I was a part of it.
It's kind of weird, reviewing something I'm in xD
So! I'm going to skip my solos, because I know I sound bored and unemoitional like always~ x3
ON THAT NOTE let us begin.
The starting duet line is fantastic sounding. I love how Jaydie and I blend. Seriously. Like, our Ai no Imi? Pure pwnage, dawg.
Then Jaydie takes a solo. She's A+ and adorable like always.
Hanna's voice is so unique and I love it so much. xD She's like Mari on crack, seriously. I love it, and it always sounds fantastic. Tsubasa is always a pleasure to listen to. So cute!
I feel like a man in a sea of pink fluffy unicorns. Seriously. xD Why are you all so cute?? IT'S NOT FAIR!
Instead of going ahead and spoiling the whole dub for you, I'm just going to say, my manlehness mixed with everyone elses cuteness? It just works. This is a dub worth a listening to, believe me. SO! Watch, listen, comment, the works. You know the drill SO GET TO IT >:T
HAHA! I don't know either. Don't ask =w=
Anyway, I'll see you guys again for my next member spotlight! LATER POTATERS.
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