Friday, July 9, 2010


Hey guys!! This is Aly~ And this is my first post on the blog! SO, treat me kindly! (>3<)/ This post kicks off my WEEKLY. MEMBER. SPOTLIGHT. OF. DEATH. Just kidding! About the death part, anyway xD


Rae's YouTube - CLICKIE!
Rae has been teaching me the basics of dubbing since I started back in November. So, not only is she a close friend, she's my teacher as well. As a way to thank her, AND BECAUSE PURPLY SUGGESTED HER FIRST, Rae is my first victim.

In a one on one interview via Skype, Juwibean has assisted me in bugging the living crap out of her 8D

A: What is your name?

R: IceCube.

A: No really.


A: What skirt are you talking about?

R: I... lost the link D:

A: That sucks D: OKAY what do you like about TU!P?

R: I like how nice everyone is :)

A: Seriously? Is that all?

R: ...I like Purply ;D she's my fave.

A: Very nice. What's your favorite vegetable?

R: I like butternut squash. Is that a vegetable?

J: Yes. but technically it's a fruit because it's the ovary of the plant 8D

A: What's your favorite group dub you've been in so far? EVER?

R: Oh gosh. I love the Special Generation in the recent Hana concert, but I really liked the See You Tomorrow that you two and I did together too!

A: AWWWW. We love you too. ANYWAY, if you were a type of candy, what would you be?

J: That's the kind of question you'd ask on like Let's Make a Match

R: I think I'd be something squishy like a gummy bear.

J: And I'd be chocolate, because I'm smooth and delicious and a little nutty.

A: Okay! Why would you be something squishy like a gummy bear?

R: Because I'm cute and squishy like a gummy bear 8D

A: Is there a specific song you'd like to dub in the future?

R: I would love to dub Urahara someday. That's like, my favorite Buono song. Or Houki Boshi by Younha.

A: INTERESTING. Moving right along now, is there any specific advice you'd like to give to dubbers?

R: They need to sing with their hearts and give everything they have into their dubbing and just give it their all! If they do that, people will notice for sure!

A: That was cheesey :D

R: I'm a cheesey person! Deal with it. I'm like sunshine and rainbows, baby!

A: ALRIGHT, I'm running out of ideas xD So, give me an ending quote and say something to your fans.

R: I hope you guys will support Totally Up! and their releases! BAI BAI PINKUU~~~~~~~~~~

THANK YOU FOR THAT RAE! AND THANK YOU JURI FOR ASSISTING ME... SOMEWHAT 8D I promise future interviews will be better organized haha! However, I can't promise that they'll be any less random.
Now, enjoy Rae's latest dub Again. I really, really, really love this, and it makes me so proud to know her like I do :) I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did!
