Sunday, August 29, 2010

Totally Up! Project News ~

Hello readers ~! You might not know me but I know who you are. HAHAHA
*coughcough* Neeeeevermind.

This is your girl Hachi, directly from Star!U!! And I am here to introduce all of you to the latest and delicious news about the Totally Up! Project world. Let's first talk about some graduations / comebacks, ok?

- Nami has returned to Totally Up! Project, after being graduated for a few months, as a member of J-unior SWEET and the subgroup, Urban Promise. I say, welcome back then :D
- Tomokoyo is now active again, after getting off suspension and will return to sing with Sparkle Society. Welcome back to you, too!

Now, let's talk about graduations:

- Celia graduated from Twilight Legend to form her own group. Congratulations and good luck with that!
- Also, many of the actual components of J-unior SWEET will be graduating because of inactivity. That's kinda sad :( People, try to stay active!

Well, are you glad about the comebacks? That's a good thing cause we can still enjoy their voices :D

Anyways, let's get quickly to another point: Summer Concerts shallallaaaa!
The Summer project made by TU!P is called Totally Up! Project Summer Concert 2010 ~Ready, Set, Scramble!~ and it's the dubbing of the Hello! Project's 2010 Winter Kachou Fugetsu Shuffle Date. The concert is fully composed by 24 original songs and, of course, TU!P wants to dub them all! :D

And, speaking of new songs, Hitomi will be back with a new singleee. Excited??? :D

Now, since I'm a PROUD member of Star!U, we'll get to the point that ... *drums* Star!U group got its own YOUTUBE CHANNEL!! *fireworksss* I'm actually really proud of what we are doing and, I'll repeat it to death, I seriously love all the girls involved in this project!

But now, I have bad news . Actually, it's more of a warning news. A boy, probably a fandubber, steals lines that people post for their projects and then mixes it together to claim them as his own dub. His name is Ikenokoi, but it's not his only nickname.

Be careful of putting too much information on Skype or your email on there. He can track you down on Facebook. He has down it to Kappa and he can do it to you too. He is also known for hacking accounts. Or impersonating them.

I found it SOOOOO creepy when I read this. People just don't have lives at all right?

It's sad, but we are running out of time (actually, I'm running out of ideas LOL).
This has been Hachi, that will keep you updated with the latest news from TU!P and its dubbers every week !

Everyone, love you! Byeeee!
