Saturday, August 28, 2010

Inside the Project - Kawaii-Sono #1

Inside the Project is a segment where we ask members from Totally Up! Project questions and they answer them. It gives others more insight into the fun natures of our members. Our sixth group with Inside the Project is Kawaii-Sono, the sole surviving group from our shuffle group era in 2008. All members were asked the question:

Q: What kind of fireworks do you like?

Below is the members' responses when asked this question. All members were able to answer this question.

I get scared from any fireworks that are done by anyone unless they are professionals~ -u-;;
Once my friends surprised me with these sparkler candles in their hands and I kept screaming and running away from them! XD
But the professional ones are beautiful!! *0*

I love all fireworks. They're pretty, they make me happy x3
I really like ones that pop and then pop again and sparkle!

I don't like professional fireworks. XD I like the ones set up by friends and family!! I enjoy them more!!
