Sunday, December 5, 2010

Inside the Project - Tiara #1

New Twilight Legend subgroup Tiara discusses what hairstyles they wear in concert with Twilight Legend.

Q: How do you decide what hairdo to use during concerts?

Below is the members' responses when asked this question. All members were able to answer this question.

My hair is super straight, so I usually keep it down or tie it in a side pony tail =).
When I tie it, it tends to spike up since my hair is straight... kinda like a porcupine. XD

Leave it the way it is, down and curly. Or pigtails if I'm in a good mood~ :P

I usually just keep my hair down and straight... I'm too lazy to do something to it, even during concerts. XD It's too much work since my hair is really long.~ So it's no problem for me to decide what to do with it! :D
