Monday, September 27, 2010

Inside the Project - J-unior SWEET

Inside the Project is a segment where we ask members from Totally Up! Project questions and they answer them. It gives others more insight into the fun natures of our members. Our eighth group with Inside the Project is J-unior SWEET, sister group of Twilight Legend within Totally Up! Project. 6 members were able to answer the question:

Q: I actually commute to school by bike, but could you let us know any ways to kill time on the train? i†¤…j

Below is the members' responses when asked this question.

Listening to my ipod. It always relaxes me when I'm on the train *^_^*. It also blocks the noises of the people chatting on the train. Or if not, I read a book or go wireless on my phone.

I also like to listen to my iPod or bring along my iTouch and browse pics on Hello! Online <3


If you know your train route very well, try knitting while listening to music on headphones. Upbeat songs with strong bass notes are easiest to hear over the hustle and bustle in the train.

Definately Music! It's a very good way to kill time plus it could drown out the noise of the commutors and train! I also watch music videos from my ipod, at times I'll be flipping through Japanese Magazines if the train isn't too crowded ;P

I can't live without my MP3 player so which I'm on the road or just sitting down waiting I always have my earphones in listening away and it's the best way to kill some time!

Listening to my all time fave music is what I always do when on the road! Or SLEEP!!! But try not to oversleep! hahaha~~~~
