Sunday, January 30, 2011

Biscuit ROUGE - The Bell of Love Rang

Title: The Bell of Love Rang
Release Type: 5th single
Group: Biscuit ROUGE
Biscuit ROUGE:
Gen 5: Logan (Sub-Leader)
Gen 6: Corsica (Leader), Suki-chan
Gen 7: BanryuSaint
Gen 8: HitomiVAA
Gen 9: Hikki-chan, Serenyty
Release date: January 14, 2011
Mixer: Suki-chan
Cover Art By: Suki-chan

01. Narihajimeta Koi no BELL (2010 Version) (Biscuit ROUGE)
02. Ikute! Kaitou Shoujo (Biscuit ROUGE)

Lyrics: DOC Version // HTML Version

Biscuit ROUGE returns to the release scene after not releasing any new material in 2010 due to work on their album and 5th single. Biscuit ROUGE will do one last single before they offically disband this year. The announcement was made in Fall of 2010, that Biscuit ROUGE would be disbanding after their sixth single. Writerserenyty returns to this group for the last few activities while Suki-chan, HitomiVAA, and Hikki-chan make their debut with the group on this single. Please enjoy and listen to this release to hear the improvement of this group.


Biscuit ROUGE was disbanded to allow members to take on different challenges within the Project. It will allow them to explore the other subgroups of J-unior SWEET or even rock out with a new crew in Scout. Everyone goes their own way someday and it has been a great privledge to watch all these members grow witin Totally Up! Project over the last year or so.
