Sunday, December 5, 2010

Inside the Project - Scout #1

Scout members interact with one another about who would be the first to run during an earthquake.

Q: There is a big earthquake during a concert...Who will be the first to run out? And which member will be too scared to even move?

Below is the members' interactions with one another about this question.

Hmmmmmm........ Being such a new member of Totally Up Project, I've yet to get to know everyone ^_^

But I think I may be the first one to run, either that or I'd just continue what I was doing, us British just carry on like nothing's happened :P

However, I do think Corsica would stay and help everyone and maybe Martha would run for the hills..... :P

LOL. Thanks Chibi Enma. XDDD

You pretty much got it though. XD Either that or I'd fall to the ground and cover my head.

And Corisca does seem like the type who would be totally level headed. I think Mariko would scream a lot.

Hmm~ I feel like the first to run out would be Mariko. Something along the lines of "lolbye". Corsica seems like she'd help everyone out first, even if it meant she would end up getting hurt. I'd probably freeze, since I'm never good at scary situations. XD

"Lolbye" yourself, Logan. XP

I was going to say that it seems like the younger members would be the ones to freeze. Assuming it's the middle of a concert, we're all onstage, which is a really stupid place to be in the middle of an earthquake, so I'd probably apologize to the audience, and then try to make sure EVERYONE runs to somewhere safe.

I'm assuming in this prompt that we are the performers and that we are performing in an indoor venue.

Unless it's obvious that there's an earthquake, I wouldn't notice it until someone else screams. My hearing isn't that good, at any slight shaking I'm experiencing on stage I'm chalking it up to stage fright and/or loud bass. (This means what whoever screams is doing me a huge favor, so don't be afraid to admit that you're the screamer!)

After I notice the earthquake, I would tell everyone to hide under the seats (if possible, and if the seats are sturdy) and/or protect their head with a backpack or anything of the sort. (Running out at this time would result in chaos and injuries.) Once the quaking stops, it's time for an orderly evacuation - usually the first earthquake leads to a more serious earthquake later on.

During the evacuation, I would personally apologize to everyone. I would also arrange for free tickets to a future concert be given to everyone on their way out.

I've changed my mind.....I like Corsica's answer :P
